M. Sc. Marlene Sydow

Foto_Marlene_Wiehe Foto_Marlene_Wiehe
M. Sc. Marlene Sydow
Foto_Marlene_Wiehe Foto_Marlene_Wiehe
M. Sc. Marlene Sydow
  • Curriculum Vitae

    Since 2018
    Manager, KPMG CFRO Insurance 

    2016 - 2018
    PricewaterhouseCoopers, FC Actuarial Services

  • Further Information


    Since 2021
    Adjunct Lecturer, Actuarial Education - Economic and Legal Environment, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    Since 2019
    Adjunct Lecturer, Actuarial Education - Accounting and Corporate Management, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    Project and Industry Experience

    • Actuarial advice to insurance companies, including:
      • Implementation of actuarial due diligences with a focus on the actuarial evaluation of loss reserves and the SCR as well as responsible for actuarial PMO
      • Reserve review of a leading German insurance company, in particular analysis of various LoBs and the ULAE reservation
      • Fast close project, especially with a focus on the ULAE reservation
      • Lead project manager of an IFRS 17 project

    • Implementation of the actuarial audit of the annual financial statements under HGB, IFRS and Solvency II with a focus on loss reservations for medium-sized and large composite insurance companies

    • Trustee activity in motor insurance for the GDV, in particular operational implementation of the trustee examination and participation in the classification commission for the initial classification of passenger vehicles