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  • 12.03.2025 | Talk by Zachary Feinstein: Axioms of Automated Market Makers: Mathematical Constructions in Decentralized Finance

    Systemic risk measures aggregate the risks from multiple financial institutions to find system-wide capital requirements. Though much attention has been given to assessing the level of systemic risk, less has been given to allocating that risk to the constituent institutions. Within this talk, we propose a Nash allocation rule that is inspired by game theory. Intuitively, to construct these capital allocations, the banks compete in a game to reduce their own capital requirements while, simultaneously, maintaining system-level acceptability. Sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of these Nash allocations are provided with applications provided for the prominent structures used for systemic risk measures in the literature. We demonstrate the efficacy of these Nash allocations with numerical case studies.

    This talk is free and open to all interested participants.

    Location: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Room 1101 – F442.

    The talk will take place on 12th March 2025.The start time is scheduled for 11:30 am.

    Speaker: Professor Zachary Feinstein, PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 20.02.2025 | DGVFM eWeiterbildungstag: Uncertainty and Insurance
    20/02/2025 DGVFM eWeiterbildungstag, 20th February 2025: Uncertainty and Insurance
    16:30 Opening

    Prof. Dr. An Chen (Universität Ulm),
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)


    Michael Lingzhi Li (Harvard Business School)

    Rigorous and Efficient Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms


    Antoon Pelsser (Universität Maastricht)

    Robust ALM: Dealing with Model Ambiguity


    Alex Platts (Munich Re)

    Uncertainty and Insurance – Political Risk and Credit

    19:30 End of the event

    Location: Online

    The workshop is free and open to all interested participants.





  • 27.11.2023 | House of Insurance Lecture Klima & Wandel

    Unter dem Motto "Klima & Wandel: Verklagen – versichern – investieren – Wie gelingt der Wandel in Industrie und Gesellschaft?" lädt das House of Insurance am 27. November 2023 im Lichthof der Leibniz Universität Hannover zur House of Insurance Lecture ein.

      House of Insurance Lecture Klima und Wandel: Verklagen - versichern - investieren

    Prof. Dr. Jonas Knetsch (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)

    Aux armes, citoyens... - Klimaschutzklagen in Frankreich und der Welt: Motor der Umweltpolitik oder Instrumentalisierung der Judikative?


    Dr. Moritz Keller (Rechtsanwalt und Partner bei Clifford Chance)

    Klimawandelklagen gegen deutsche Unternehmen - aktueller Stand und Ausblick


    Shivaun Moreno (Hannover Rück)

    Klimaklagen aus der Sicht der internationalen Rückversicherung


    Dr. Guido Harms/Lukas Münzberg (Head of Carbon Steering/Legal Counsel BASF SE)

    BASF auf dem Weg zu "Net Zero": Transformation zwischen Anspruch und Wachstum

    19:30  Empfang auf Einladung der Mecklenburgischen Versicherungs-Gesellschaft a. G.

    Ort: Lichthof der Leibniz Universität, Welfenschloss 1, 30167 Hannover

    Für Anwältinnen und Anwälte kann eine Bescheinigung nach § 15 FAO ausgestellt werden.

  • 28.09.2023 | 14. Weiterbildungstag der DGVFM: Epidemic Risk and Insurance
    28/09/2023 14. Weiterbildungstag der DGVFM: Epidemic Risk and Insurance

    Dr. Andreas Märkert (Hannover Rück)  
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Weber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)


    Dr. Nils Bertschinger & Dr. Andreas Tacke (Hannover Rück)

    Covid-19 and Long-Covid 

    12:00 Buffet

    Prof. Dr. Anastasia Kartasheva (University of St. Gallen) 

    Insurability of Pandemic Risks


    Coffee Break 


    Dr. Hjalmar Böhm (Munich Re) 

    Insuring Pandemics in Non-Life (Structuring and Modelling)

    16:30 Discussion
    17:00 End of the event

    Location: Hannover Rück, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 57, 30625 Hannover

    Prof. Dr. Anastasia Kartasheva
    Dr. Hjalmar Böhm

  • 03.07.2023 | Talk by Zachary Feinstein: Axioms of Automated Market Makers

    Within this talk, we introduce an axiomatic framework for Automated Market Makers (AMMs). By imposing reasonable axioms on the underlying utility function, we are able to characterize the properties of the swap size of the assets and of the resulting pricing oracle. We will analyze many existing AMMs and show that the vast majority of them satisfy our axioms. We will also consider the question of fees and divergence loss. In doing so, we will propose a new fee structure so as to make the AMM indifferent to transaction splitting. Finally, we will propose a novel AMM that has nice analytical properties and provides a large range over which there is no divergence loss.

    This talk is free and open to all interested participants.

    Location: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, room 1101 - B305

    Speaker: Zachary Feinstein, Stevens Institute of Technology

  • 08.06.2023 | Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics: Cyber Risk and Insurance
    08/06/2023 Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics:
    Cyber Risk and Insurance
    14:15 Reception
    14:30 Opening

    Prof. Dr. Olivier Lopez (Sorbonne Université)     

    Tree-based methods and extreme value analysis for cyber insurance

    15:30 Prof. Dr. Thomas Schreck (Hochschule München)

    How Security Teams leverage Cyber Threat Intelligence
    16:20 Coffee Break

    Prof. Dr. Marie Kratz (ESSEC Business School)

    Cyber Risk Analysis, with a Focus on Extremes


    Dr. Carsten Liese (HDI AG)

    Cyber Risk Management

    18:30 Buffet

    Location: HDI Versicherung AG, HDI Platz 1, 30659 Hannover

    Prof. Dr. Olivier Lopez
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Schreck

    The workshop is free and open to all interested participants.

  • 04/05.05.2023 | Workshop: Risk Measures and Uncertainty in Insurance

    The workshop is organised jointly by the House of Insurance of the Leibniz University Hannover, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Center for Mathematical Economic of the University of Bielefeld. If you are interested in attending the talks, please send an email to Felix Liebrich.

    Further details can be found here.

    Invited speakers are:

    • Hans Föllmer (HU Berlin)

    • Cosimo Munari (University of Zurich)

    • Ariel Neufeld (NTU Singapore)

    • Birgit Rudloff (WU Vienna)

    • Thorsten Schmidt (University of Freiburg)

    • Ruodu Wang (University of Waterloo)

  • 28.03.2023 | DGVFM-eWeiterbildungstag: Inflation
    28/03/2023 DGVFM-eWeiterbildungstag: Inflation



    Prof. Alexander Ludwig  (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)

    Quo vadis? — Inflation, Demography, Growth and Asset Returns


    Prof. Michel Vellekoop (University of Amsterdam)    

    An Actuarial Scenario Generator for Equity, Interest Rate and Inflation Risk


    Prof. Christian Ewald  (University of Glasgow)

    Optimal Investment in the Presence of Inflation

    20:00 End of the event

    The workshop is free and open to all interested participants.






  • 28.01.2020 | House of Insurance Neujahrs-Lecture
    28.01.2020 House of Insurance Neujahrs-Lecture

    Prof. Dr. Jan Lüttringhaus, LL.M. (Columbia), Maître en droit

    Die Perspektive der Rechtswissenschaft: Die internationale Dimension der Haftung und Versicherung für Cyber-Risiken


    M. Sc. Kerstin Awiszus

    Die Perspektive der Mathematik: Pricing von Cyber-Versicherungsverträgen in einem Netzwerkmodell 


    Dipl.-Oec. Dirk Wrede

    Die Perspektive der Ökonomie: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Implikationen für die Versicherung von Cyberrisiken – Eine Analyse der Risikoprüfungs- und Deckungskonzepte  


    Christian Reimann (Senior Cyber Risk Engineer, HDI Global SE)

    Die Perspektive der Praxis: Cyber - Anforderungen an die Versicherungswirtschaft im steten Wandel – ein Praxisbeispiel

    18:30 - 20:00  Get-together bei Buffet und Getränken auf Einladung der HDI Global SE

    Veranstaltungssaal 14. Stock, Conti-Hochhaus, Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover

    Full report




  • 02.11.2017 | Zürich–Hannover–Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics
    02.11.2017Zürich – Hannover – Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics
    Challenges in Actuarial Mathematics
    02:15 amReception
    02:40 am Dr. Catherine Donnelly (Heriot-Watt University)
    Simplifying Retirement By Aligning Communication With Retirement Outcomes, Rather Than Investment Strategies


    03:30 am

    Dr. Andreas Kunz (Munich Re)
    Economic Neutral Position: How to best replicate not fully replicable liabilities


    04:20 pmCoffee break
    04:50 pmProf. Dr. Ralf Werner (Universität Augsburg)
    A complete theory for replicating portfolios
    05:40 pmDr. Peter England (EMC Actuarial & Cass Business School)
    Mack, Merz, Wüthrich, Wang and IFRS 17 Risk Adjustments
    06:30 pmBuffet

    Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG,
    VHV-Platz 1,
    30177 Hannover  

    Registrations will be accepted until 26.10.2017 via E-Mail to

    Further details can be found in the invitation

  • 01.06.2017 | 4. DGVFM-Further-Education-Day
    01.06.20174. DGVFM-Further-Education-Day
    10:00 amReception:
    Jörg Sinner (Executive Board, VGH)
    Professor Dr. Stefan Weber (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
    10:15 am
    Dr. Mirko Kötter (Head of "Grundsatz Leben", Hannoversche Leben)
    10:40 amDr. Michael Schmutz (Head of department, Eidgenössische 
    Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA)
    12:10 pmLunch
    01:00 pmDr. Jürgen Bierbaum (Executive Board, Alte Leipziger)
    02:30 pmCoffee break
    03:00 pmProfessor Dr. Steffen Meyer (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
    04:30 pmDiscussion

    VGH Versicherungen,
    Schiffgraben 4,
    30159 Hannover

    Registrations will be accepted via E-Mail to

  • 04.05.2017 | Zürich – Hannover – Workshop on Insurance and Financial Mathematics
    04.05.2017Zürich – Hannover – Workshop
    on Insurance and Financial Mathematics
    Actuarial Risk Management
    02:15 pmReception
    02:40 pmProf. Dr. Damir Filipovic (EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute)
    Replicating Portfolio Approach to Capital Calculation
    03:30 pmProf. Dr. Fabio Bellini (Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca)
    Expectiles: properties and financial applications
    04:20 pmSCOR Fellowship — Award Ceremony
    04:50 pmCoffee break
    05:20 pmDr. Thomas Knispel (Talanx)
    On model validation and model risk - Remarks from group perspective  
    06:10 pm

    Dr. Peter Antal (Partner Re)
    Underwriting Year Capital and Portfolio Steering

    07:00 pmBuffet
    Duration02:15 pm - 08:00 pm
    LocationSCOR Switzerland AG,
    General-Guisan-Quai 26,
    8022 Zürich, Switzerland  

    Registrations will be accepted until 27.04.2017 via E-Mail to

    Further details can be found in the invitation

  • 04.04.2017 | Conference in Hannover
    04.04.2017  Alternative Investments - Feuerwerk oder Strohfeuer?  
    SpeakerSebastian Karger (WAVE Management AG)
    Heiko Ludwig (NORD/LB)
    Dr. Daniel Graf von der Schulenburg (3i Group plc)
    Dr. Kurt Mitzner (PricewaterhouseCoopers AG)
    LocationHannover, VHV Holding AG

    You find further information here





  • 21.11.2013 | LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik"
    21.11.2013LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematk"Stochastic Analysis
    Affine Processes and their Applications in Financial Mathematics
    02:15 pmReception
    02:30 pmProf. Dr. Johannes Muhle-Karbe (ETH Zürich)
    Asymptotic power utility-based pricing and hedging 
    03:20 pmDr. Christa Cuchiero (TU Wien)
    An HJM approach for multiple yield curves
    04:10 pmCoffee break
    04:40 pmProf. Dr. Peter Spreij (Universität von Amsterdam)
    The affine transform formula for affine jump-diffusions with a general closed convex state space
    05:30 pmProf. Dr. Jan Kallsen (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
    On modelling the term structure of stock options 
    Duration02:15 pm - 06:20 pm 

    Leibniz Universität Hannover
    Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
    Raum F 428  

    LUH-colloquia are recognized as development courses by the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)

    Further details can be found in the invitation

  • 25.10.2013 | Conference in Hannover
    25.10.2013Wird die Krise zur Normalität? Neue und nicht ganz so neue Wege in der Kapitalanlage von Versicherern
    SpeakerThomas Krüger (VGH Versicherungen)
    Dr. Hinrich Holm (NORD/LB)
    Rolf Elgeti (TAG Immobilien AG)
    Tim Ockenga (GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V.)
    LocationHannover, VGH Versicherungen

    You find further information here

  • 27.06.2013 | LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik"
    27.06.2013LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematk"
    Stochastic Analysis
    02:15 pmReception
    02:30 pmProf. Dr. Peter Friz (TU Berlin)
    Information Content of Iterated Integrals and Applications
    03:20 pmProf. Dr. Steffen Dereich (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)  
    Multilevel Monte-Carlo Algorithms for Lévy-driven SDEs
    04:10 pmCoffee break
    04:40 pmProf. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen (ETH Zürich)
    Regularities and Approximations for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations and their Kolmogorov Partial Differential Equations
    05.:30 pmProf. Dr. Jan van Neerven (TU Delft)
    Stochastic Maximal Regularity
    Duration02:15 pm - 06:20 pm 

    Leibniz Universität Hannover
    Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover
    Raum F 428  

    LUH-colloquia are recognized as development courses by the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)

    Further details can be found in the invitation

  • 16.05.2013 | LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik"
    16.05.2013LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematk"
    The Future of Life Insurance
    02:15 pmReception
    02:30 pmProf. Dr. Ralf Korn (TU Kaiserslautern)
    Guarantees – Past, Present, Future?
    03:20 pmProf. Dr. Antje Mahayni (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
    Optimizing Proportional Portfolio Insurance Strategies – From Theory to Practice
    04:10 pmCoffee break
    04:40 pmProf. Dr. Matthias Fahrenwaldt (EBZ Business School Bochum)
    Sensitivities of Market Reserves
    05:30 pmDr. Michael Pannenberg (HDI Lebensversicherung AG)
    Garantien AAAA – Vier Anmerkungen zur Zukunft der Lebensversicherung
    18:20 pmBuffet
    Duration02:15 pm - 08:00 pm 

    Hannoversche Lebensversicherung AG,
    VHV-Platz 1, 30177 Hannover

    LUH-colloquia are recognized as development courses by the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)

    Registrations will be accepted until 09.05.2013 via E-Mail to

    Further details can be found in the invitation

  • 17.01.2013 | LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik"
    17.01.2013LUH-Colloquium "Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik" 
    Risk Management and Reinsurance
    02:15 pmReception
    02:30 pmProf. Dr. Judith C. Schneider (Universität Münster)
    On Capped Product Designs
    03:20 pmProf. Dr. Matthias Scherer (TU München)
    Hierarchical Factor Copulas for Insurance Portfolios
    04:10 pmCoffee break
    04:40 pmDr. Olaf Menkens (Dublin City University)
    Worst-Case-Optimal Dynamic Reinsurance for Large Claims  
    05:30 pm

    Prof. Dr. Michael Fröhlich (Hochschule Regensburg)

    06:20 pmBuffet   
    Duration02:15 pm - 08:00 pm

    VGH Versicherungen, Schiffgraben 4, 30159 Hannover, House D
    The entry to house D and the entrance to the parking lot are located in "Warmbüchenkamp".

    LUH-colloquia are recognized as development courses by the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)

    Registrations will be accepted until 10.01.2013 via E-Mail to

    Further details can be found in the invitation