Dr. Chris Timmermann

Dr. Chris Timmermann
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2022
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, House of Insurance, Leibniz Universität Hannover2011-2021
Research associate and doctoral candidate, Institute for Risk and Reliability (formerly Institute of Applied Computer Science in Civil Engineering), Leibniz Universität Hannover -
- Traffic Dynamics at Intersections Subject to Random Misperception
(with V. Berkhahn, M. Kleiber, J. Langner and S. Weber)
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(5), 4501-4511, 2022
- Implications of Converting Low Capacity Intersection Adjacent to Park Into a Shared Space
(with A. Trifunović, B. Friedrich and V. Berkhahn)
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States, 2021
- Modeling Traffic Accidents Caused By Random Misperception
(with V. Berkhahn, M. Kleiber, and S. Weber)
IEEE ITSC 2018, 2568-2574, 2018
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? A Discrete Choice Model for Pedestrian–Vehicle Conflicts in Shared Space
(with F. Pascucci, N. Rinke, V. Berkhahn and B. Friedrich)
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, No. 18-04364, 2018
- Modeling and Solving of Multiple Conflict Situations in Shared Spaces
(with F. Pascucci, N. Rinke, V. Berkhahn and B. Friedrich)
Traffic and Granular Flow (TGF), Washington DC, USA, 2017
- MODIS - Ein Simulationsmodell zur Bewertung von Verkehrsflächen nach dem Shared-Space-Gestaltungsprinzip
(with F. Pascucci, N. Rinke, V. Berkhahn and B. Friedrich)
Bauingenieur, 92, 341-346, 2017
- A multi-layer social force approach to model interactions in shared spaces using collision prediction
(with N. Rinke, F. Pascucci, V. Berkhahn and B. Friedrich)
Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 1249–1267, 2017
- A genetic algorithm approach for the calibration of a social force based model for shared spaces
(with F. Pascucci, N. Rinke, V. Berkhahn and B. Friedrich)
In: Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, 485–491, 2016
- Modeling of shared space with multi-modal traffic using a multi-layer social force approach
(with F. Pascucci, N. Rinke, B. Friedrich)
Transportation Research Procedia, 10, 316-326, 2015
- Job scheduling using event-discrete simulation, pre-optimisation and just-in-time consideration of disturbance factors
In: Bode, M. Schiermeyer, C., Berkhahn, V. (eds.); eWork an eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 227-233, 2012
- Traffic Dynamics at Intersections Subject to Random Misperception